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How to get prescribed SST data


New Member

If you have or create an ORCID account, you can download the tropical SST data here: Dataset: Tropical CAM5 Prescribed SST AMIP Ensembles

Select either daily or monthly averages, then the specific variable(s) you would like to download, then click "download options" to input your ORCID credentials and download the data.

Does that answer your question? Apologies if I misunderstood.

Thanks for your reply. I am sorry for the unexplicit description before. Actually, I want to download the iuput SST forcing data, which is described as 'For the Tropical AMIP ensembles SST's from 28S:28N are set to time-varying SST's from ERSSTv3b, ERSSTv4 or ERSSTv5. A transition/linear interpolation zone exists from 28:35 degree latitudes. From 35 degrees polewards full-period climatological SSTs (ERSSTv3b, ERSSTv4, or ERSSTv5)/ice (HadISST1) are set. ', instead of the output data at Dataset: Tropical CAM5 Prescribed SST AMIP Ensembles. Could you help me access the iuput SST forcing data for the Tropical AMIP Ensembles?
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Courtney Peverley
Staff member

Ah! That makes more sense! Apologies for misunderstanding.

I believe those files should be available through our inputdata svn server. If you create a case with the FAMIPC5 compset, you can see what the default files are (e.g. ./xmlquery SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME) and adjust your case to match those. Is that closer to what you're asking about?

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