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How to output the landuse cover dataset in F2000climo?

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Hi,all! I'm using F2000climo to simulate global changes from 2000-2050, I now want to output the 2000-2050 surface coverage dataset, what variables should I pick to output? Is it in the CLM component?


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi there. The surface and land use types are managed by CLM. I'm going to move this question into their component specific board to help you out. It might be useful to be more specific about what you are looking for in surface coverage. Plant types, specific phenology or leaf size, or just general albedo or categorization?


Hi there. The surface and land use types are managed by CLM. I'm going to move this question into their component specific board to help you out. It might be useful to be more specific about what you are looking for in surface coverage. Plant types, specific phenology or leaf size, or just general albedo or categorization?
Hi,@katec! I'm a newer for CLM . I want to output a categorization landuse dataset. Like LUH2 dataset or Landuse map in Remote sensing production.


Staff member
Such information is an input to the model (not an output).
In the /run directory where the model runs, you can look at the lnd_in file for a list of various input files. Most likely you are interested in the fsurdat and/or the landuse files.


Such information is an input to the model (not an output).
In the /run directory where the model runs, you can look at the lnd_in file for a list of various input files. Most likely you are interested in the fsurdat and/or the landuse files.
Yes, i want to find the such dataset like Landuse files.But I want to understand global land use change in F2000CLIMO. Since it simulates future scenarios, I suspect it may have land use change simulations within it. I would like to export the land change simulation data in CLM year by year. Do you mean the fsurdata or landuse file in the F2000climo model will be unchange?


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The F2000climo compset doesn't have landuse change in it and it doesn't simulate future scenarios. If you setup a case with that compset you will see that there are no landuse datasets specified in that compset.


The F2000climo compset doesn't have landuse change in it and it doesn't simulate future scenarios. If you setup a case with that compset you will see that there are no landuse datasets specified in that compset.
I wonder if I run the F2000climo for 50 years, the time of outputdata should be 2000-2050? If the fsurdata don't change, how can i explain the difference change in this post(the link).


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Those aren't "real" years that you are simulating. That's why the compset comes out of the box with RUN_STARTDATE=0001-01-01.
The FHIST compset runs real years where time-varying forcing is set up. However, the forcing files end in 2014.


Staff member
Also, I think @oleson and I misunderstood that you wanted transient landuse files for your simulation. Instead, I looked at the link that you shared above and now understand that you ran one F2000climo simulation with no change to the fsurdat and another F2000climo simulation with changes to the fsurdat. That seems perfectly fine.


Those aren't "real" years that you are simulating. That's why the compset comes out of the box with RUN_STARTDATE=0001-01-01.
The FHIST compset runs real years where time-varying forcing is set up. However, the forcing files end in 2014.
That's means the F2000climo only simulate the 2000-2014 global change? I still can't understand what 50 years I'm running refers to in what context and what it represents. Does it denote running 50 years in some specific context? Or I'm just running a repeat of the 2000-2014 simulation?
By the way, If the F2000climo can similate the global change from 2000 to 2014. Why generate the different pattern after 2 years in this post.


Also, I think @oleson and I misunderstood that you wanted transient landuse files for your simulation. Instead, I looked at the link that you shared above and now understand that you ran one F2000climo simulation with no change to the fsurdat and another F2000climo simulation with changes to the fsurdat. That seems perfectly fine.
Yes. I run different simulation for 50 years. Now, I'm confuse the generate data means what and question in this post.


Staff member
@CGL we are confused, too, and our attempts to help seem to be failing, sorry. Maybe others in the community will step up.


@CGL we are confused, too, and our attempts to help seem to be failing, sorry. Maybe others in the community will step up.
I appreaciate your help. What I want to know is, when I simulate and run a 50 year time step with the F2000climo model, is the output clm 50 year data for 2000-2050 or is it 50 years of data in any sense?


Staff member
If I understand your question correctly, then the output from the F2000climo compset is 50 years of what we call the "present day" and NOT 50 years representing 2000-2049. I hope this helps.


If I understand your question correctly, then the output from the F2000climo compset is 50 years of what we call the "present day" and NOT 50 years representing 2000-2049. I hope this helps.
I read the CESM compset(the link) and find the time. The "present day" means? I can't find the meaning of this.


Staff member
Dear @CGL (and everybody),

I will try to say this tactfully because I just intend to communicate openly and clearly:
Our role in this community forum is to support CESM users to make progress in their research, for example when they encounter difficulty running or they discover bugs. It is beyond our support role in this forum to teach users their field of research and concepts of numerical modeling. Users must learn these things elsewhere before returning to this forum for help. In our specific communication @CGL we also face a language barrier, which makes the communication more difficult.

The forum is open to the whole community, so you may get answers from other participants.



Dear @CGL (and everybody),

I will try to say this tactfully because I just intend to communicate openly and clearly:
Our role in this community forum is to support CESM users to make progress in their research, for example when they encounter difficulty running or they discover bugs. It is beyond our support role in this forum to teach users their field of research and concepts of numerical modeling. Users must learn these things elsewhere before returning to this forum for help. In our specific communication @CGL we also face a language barrier, which makes the communication more difficult.

The forum is open to the whole community, so you may get answers from other participants.

I see... Sure it is! The more you talk, the more you know. Thanks to CESM forums, I can get a lot of answers.
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