Hello Mr.Oleson,
Many thanks for your reply! I have successfully generated the surface file surfdata_0.47x0.63_hist_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr1850_c230128.nc. I try to get the results for surface crop yields corresponding to 0.47x0.63 resolution by CESM2.1.3. However, the following error message appears.
ERROR in /public1/home/sc93599/CESM2.1.3/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/src/mai
n/ncdio_pio.F90.in at line 2388
ncd_getiodesc ERROR in vsize 829440 221184 3
the code snippet with line 2388 in ncdio_pio.F90.in are as follows:
fullsize is "size of entire array on cdf"
gsize is "global size of clmlevel"
I have browsed the forum for similar error messages and I guess the error may be caused by a mismatch between flanduse_timeseries and fatmlndfrc. The flanduse_timeseries I set is landuse.timeseries_0.9x1.25_hist_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr1850-2015_c170824.nc, and fatmlndfrc is domain.lnd.fv0.47 x0.63_gx1v7.180521.nc. Fullsize (829440) is a multiple of 0.9x1.25° resolution corresponding to latitude and longitude, 192x288x15, while gsize is a product of the number of resolutions corresponding to 0.47x0.63°, 384x576. But I don't find the flanduse_timeseries file for 0.47x0.63° resolution with 78 pfts. How can I deal with this error message?
The specific steps and documents are attached.
Many thanks for your reply! I have successfully generated the surface file surfdata_0.47x0.63_hist_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr1850_c230128.nc. I try to get the results for surface crop yields corresponding to 0.47x0.63 resolution by CESM2.1.3. However, the following error message appears.
ERROR in /public1/home/sc93599/CESM2.1.3/my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/src/mai
n/ncdio_pio.F90.in at line 2388
ncd_getiodesc ERROR in vsize 829440 221184 3
the code snippet with line 2388 in ncdio_pio.F90.in are as follows:
vsize = fullsize / gsize
if (mod(fullsize,gsize) /= 0) then
write(iulog,*) subname,' ERROR in vsize ',fullsize,gsize,vsize
call shr_sys_abort(errMsg(sourcefile, __LINE__))
gsize is "global size of clmlevel"
I have browsed the forum for similar error messages and I guess the error may be caused by a mismatch between flanduse_timeseries and fatmlndfrc. The flanduse_timeseries I set is landuse.timeseries_0.9x1.25_hist_78pfts_CMIP6_simyr1850-2015_c170824.nc, and fatmlndfrc is domain.lnd.fv0.47 x0.63_gx1v7.180521.nc. Fullsize (829440) is a multiple of 0.9x1.25° resolution corresponding to latitude and longitude, 192x288x15, while gsize is a product of the number of resolutions corresponding to 0.47x0.63°, 384x576. But I don't find the flanduse_timeseries file for 0.47x0.63° resolution with 78 pfts. How can I deal with this error message?
The specific steps and documents are attached.
./create_newcase --case maize_f05_test --compset HIST_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV --res f05_g17 --run-unsupported --compiler intel --mach bscca3
cd maize_f05_test
vi user_nl_clm
use_init_interp = .true.
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=1
./xmlchange RESUBMIT=0
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=1979-01-01
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START=1979
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=1979
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_ALIGN=1979
./xmlchange DOUT_S=TRUE
./case.build --skip-provenance-check