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Request C3 and C4 distribution dataset

yan Chen

Yan Chen
New Member
Describe your problem or question: Dear NCAR scientists,
I am using output from the historical run of CMIP6 (variant_label = 'r1i1p1f1') to analyze photosynthesis. In CLM, plants use C3 and C4 pathways for photosynthesis. I think the input data from CLM should include C3 and C4 plant distribution. I am wondering how I can access this dataset.


Staff member
You need the "fsurdat" file, also known as the simulation's "surface dataset" to view the distribution of C4 grasses versus all other plant functional types. I am not familiar with the organization of the CMIP6 data to say where you should look for that...


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Looking at the CMIP6 data tables, I *think* we reported "c3PftFrac" and "c4PftFrac". Are those variables available? If not, let us know.


Staff member
The fsurdat file used for the CMIP6 historical runs is