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Why FAMIPC5 SST/SIC forcing don't extend to 2014?


New Member
Hello everyone, my CESM version is 1.2.2.
As mentioned in the title, I created a case with a component named FAMIPC5, and its default input data is After searching the CAM5 user guide, I learned that this file is a Historical Time Series.

So my question is:
1. Is FAMIPC5 used for conducting AMIP experiments? As its full name is AMIP_CAM5_CM40% SP-SCIE% PRESDOCN% DOM_STM_SGLC_SWAV
2. If the answer to the first question is "yes", then according to AMIP regulations, it should be a simulation from 1979 to 2014 forced by observed monthly average SST and SIC data, but why don't extend to 2014? Is derived from observation in the period of 1979-2012?

3. The default RUN-STARTDATE value for FAMIPC5 is 1979-01-01. Does CAM initalization data derived from a certain data in 1979? I haven't found documentations to decribe it. If i don't need to modify it as it is a standard inputdata in 1979, Can I run the model without spin-up to conduct AMIP experiment?

4. I would like to conduct an experiment using FAMIPC5: using observations of SIC from 1979 to 2014, but climatological SST to simulate the atmosphere from 1979 to 2014. Do I need a spin-up as the forcing is changed? Is my experiment practicable?


Courtney Peverley
Staff member

If this doesn't answer all of your questions, please let me know. But I would recommend using the latest SST file:

You can update the file you are using by running:


Which will give you the path to your inputdata.

And then
./xmlchange SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME="<path_to_inputdata>/"

Hope that helps!


New Member

If this doesn't answer all of your questions, please let me know. But I would recommend using the latest SST file:

You can update the file you are using by running:


Which will give you the path to your inputdata.

And then
./xmlchange SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME="<path_to_inputdata>/"

Hope that helps!
Dear peverley, Thank you for your reply! Your suggestion is exactly the solution I have chosen, but I only modified the path of SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME in env_run.xml, so here is my configuration: SSTICE_YEAR_ALIGN=1850,SSTICE_YEAR_START=1850,SSTICE_YEAR_END=2012(default value of FAMIPC5),RUN_STARTDATE=1979-01-01。

My goal is to use the observed SST and SIC forcing from 1979 to 2021 to simulate atmospheric changes during this period, so I have two questions:

1. Is my model data in 1979 forced by observed SST and SIC in 1979 according to the configuration? (Not forced by 1850?)

2. I forgot to set SSTICE_YEAR_END=2021, but my running length (1979-2021) is the same as the length of Will this mistake affect my model data after 2012?