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build fail

  1. X

    Error during regarding buildlib.pio and identifier "_FillValue" is undefined

    Dear Supporting Staff, I just get started with CESM2. I am using 2.2.2. I have successfully finished the case.setup step but ran into error regarding The error arises from building the buildlib.pio and with detailed investigation, it is related to "_FillValue". Attached please find...
  2. xnnzka

    ERROR About /CESM2.2/cime/src/build_scripts/buildlib.pio FAILED

    Hi, everyone, I need your help. I am a green hand and when I begin my first simulation about FHIST, I meet some errors. Specifically, when I ./, there is an error in Building pio. The screen shows: " Building case in directory /public/home/zhenliu/CESM/cesmrun/mingming/FHISTtest...
  3. S

    F2000climo bug on Derecho

    Hello, I am having trouble building a new case on Derecho after successfully using the same method prior on Cheyenne: Command: qcmd -A UCUB##### -1 walltime=2:00:00 -- ./ Error (Have an image of the entire error but too large to attach): build-namelist failed rc=255 out = err=ERROR ...
  4. J

    CLM build error in CESM2.3 port

    Hi all, I'm trying to port CESM2.3.alpha17 to my HPC. When I run the ensemble test for F2000climo after installing the model: :/$CESMROOT/tools/statistical_ensemble_test> python --case $CESMROOT/runs/F2000climo_CESM2.3.alpha17.uf.0000 --ect cam --uf --mach archer2 --compset...
  5. J

    Build Issue with CAM5 and COSP

    Hello, I'm trying to run a simple pre-industrial control test case with CESM1.2.2 and CAM5 with COSP enabled but I'm running into an error at the build step. For reference, I have no problems running B-compsets with CAM4 and COSP on my machine, this build error only arises when I use CAM5...
  6. J

    CESM1.2.2 build errors on Derecho

    Hello everyone, I'm attempting to run CESM1.2.2.1 on Derecho and have encountered build errors. Does anyone have suggestions or insights on resolving this issue? Thank you! >> ./ CESM BUILDEXE SCRIPT STARTING rm: No match. COMPILER is intel - Build Libraries: mct gptl pio...
  7. J

    cism.buildlib failed for CESM2.1.4 on Derecho

    Hi, I am following through the 2023 CESM tutorial and using realease-cesm2.1.4 version, when I want to build the case I get failed with CISM, the error message is as follows. ERROR: BUILD FAIL: cism.buildlib failed, cat /glade/derecho/scratch/jhu279/b.day2.1.1/bld/glc.bldlog.230823-094343...
  8. M

    CESM2.1.3 building error in CISM2%NOEVOLVE

    Hi, everyone! When I build BHIST component in CESM2.1.3, I always get a error in ./ (As shown in the attached picture) , but when I changed the CISM2%NOEVOLVE in the case to SGLC,it will build successfully. Can anyone give me some advice? Thank you!
  9. B

    MCT build error

    I am getting error during building of CESM 2.1.3. Error is coming from MCT. I am attaching the build log file for reference. Please help me in this regard.
  10. Y

    SCAM build error after adding a namelist variable

    HI, I recently added a logical namelist variable in to the group of phys_ctl_nl following the steps: 1. add the definition of the new namelist variable into the file namelist_definition.xml at the directory of components/cam/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml 2. add the variable in the...
  11. hywang

    CESM 2.2.0 build failure in ice

    Hello everyone, I met a failure in ./ The command line prompts the following error message: The end of 'ice.bldlog.211122-184650' log file was like: And the end of the config.log: The config.log file is attached. Please help me to see what the problem is. Thank you all.
  12. X

    case build stagnated after adding new tracer in MAM

    Hi, all, I added new tracer (one type of carbonaceous aerosol) in mode1 of MAM4 and modified the following .F90 files and user_nl_cam: 1./models/atm/cam/src/chemistry/pp_trop_mam4/; chem_mech.doc; chem_mods.F90; m_spc_id.F90...
  13. adrienD

    Build fail on non-supported grid - Buildnml

    Hi everyone, I am trying to run CTSM on my own regional domain over the Arctic. I have successfully created the SCRIP, surfdata_map and domain files. However, when I try to build the model, I have this error message: Calling /mnt/lustre02/work/aa0049/a271098/CTSM/cime_config/buildnml ERROR...
  14. S

    configure: error: netcdf.mod not found in NETCDF_PATH/include

    Hi, I am using CESM version 1.1.2 to build the B20TRLENS compset. I have attached my config_machines.xml, config_compiler.xml and other machine-specific files. I am using the intel13 compiler with the following specs:- <compiler COMPILER="intel13"> <PNETCDF_PATH></PNETCDF_PATH>...
  15. U

    CESM2 ./ ERROR

    my cesm version is 2.1.3. I'm running the test case post on CESM2 quick start guide (b.e20.B1850.f19_g17.test --compset B1850 --res f19_g17). I download the inputdata manually because of the low script download speed. when I running the ./ part, some errors have occurred...
  16. M

    BUILD FAIL: pop.buildlib failed (trouble in porting cesm2.1.1)

    Dear all, Now , I am porting cesm2.1.1 to centos6, however there was some trouble: I use the command as follows: (1) ./create_newcase --case test_case --res f19_g17 --compset B1850 --mach majun (2) ./case.setup (3)./ error occurs in the step "./", it shows: ERROR: BUILD...