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  1. X

    The error when running FHIST for the period 1980-2020.

    Hi, I want to run a simulation for 1980-2020 using the compset FHIST, but the model stopped when it reached 2015. I checked the log file, and the error shown is: ERROR: GETEIL: FAILED to get Inputdata/atm/cam/strataero/
  2. K

    How to run CAM6 with CLM4 in CESM2

    What version of the code are you using? CESM2.1.5 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? Not yet Describe your problem or question: Dear community, I plan to run a set of nudging experiments based on compset FHIST_BGC in CESM2.1.5. However, instead of using the default...
  3. X

    Questions about using lai_streams in CLM5

    I want to use a LAI with interannual variability (1980-2020) in the model. From previous posts, I roughly understand that lai_streams can be used to achieve this, but I still have some doubts that I hope you can help me clarify. The compset I am using is FHIST...
  4. ChrisPp

    Running CLM5 and DATM in different resolutions

    Dear colleagues I am running CLM5 in a 3 km resolution regionally over the EU-CORDEX domain. Thus far, our model worked with forcings that we downscaled to this 3km EU-CORDEX grid without problems. Now, I need to run the same clm5 model but with 12 km resolved forcings (over the same domain). I...
  5. I

    CLM5.0 Build Error.

    Hello Discuss CESM Community, I am clonning CLM 5.0 to my ubuntu-latest system. For which I have followed the below steps. 1st git clone -b release-clm5.0 GitHub - ESCOMP/CTSM: Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM) clm5.0 cd clm5.0...
  6. S

    CLM-fire -run

    Hello,everyone, I'm running CLM5-BGC with fire moudle, but I just run the default version. Actually, I want to change some parameters to make the simulation better or change some variable parameters to make a comparison experiment. What I mean is don't change the source code,just change some...
  7. Y

    F2000climo stops when initializing the CLM calling shr_dmodel_mapSet for remap

    Hi! I am running the F2000climo compset with gird f19_f19_mg17 on HPC. After submission, the running stops when initializing the CLM component: cpl log: (seq_mct_drv) : Initialize each component: atm, lnd, rof, ocn, ice, glc, wav, esp, iac (component_init_cc:mct) : Initialize component atm...
  8. X

    How is surfdata's variable monthly_lai obtained?

    Hi, I am using the surfdata file '' and have taken the weighted average of the 'monthly_lai' variable from the model’s default surfdata to compare it with GIMMS LAI data. In the CLM5 technical manual, I saw that the LAI values in the...
  9. D

    Questions about the Transient Land Unit Change

    Dear Team, I am currently working on running CESM2.1.3 (cesm2.1.3-rc.01-0-g0596a97 with clm5.0.30) using landuse_timeseries, and I would like to compare this experiment with a control experiment where landuse_timeseries is not applied. Below are the details of the experiments; 1. Control...
  10. K

    How to get the file "b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.011"

    Hi, everyone. I set use_soil_moisture_streams = .true. in user_nl_clm. I also set stream_fldfilename_soilm = '/BIGDATA2/fudan_zuozhy_3/cesm2.0/importdata/'. I note that the H2OSOI in the file...
  11. A

    How to make the mode use downloaded CO2 data

    ./create_newcase --case HistClm50BgcCrop --res f09_g16 --compset IHistClm50BgcCrop --mach myintel --compiler intel --run-unsupported I created this case, I want the model to use my own file download of co2 (cmip6 download rcp2.6 data)...
  12. A

    How to make the mode use downloaded CO2 data

    ./create_newcase --case HistClm50BgcCrop --res f09_g16 --compset IHistClm50BgcCrop --mach myintel --compiler intel --run-unsupported I created this case, I want the model to use my own file download of co2 (cmip6 download rcp2.6 data)...
  13. A

    What does the soil layer variable levgrnd_class do?

    What version of the code are you using? ctsm5.2.023 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? Not yet. But looking to increase soil layer structure (either layer thickness or number of layers). Describe your problem or question: In src/main/initVerticalMod.F90, soil layers in each...
  14. jgx

    Something wrong when creating mapping files for mksurfdata_map

    Rush rush rush! Seeking help I want to create custom resolution surface data, first, I created a SCRIP grid file using ./ -p 47.7333,88.0833 -dx 0.01 -dy 0.01 -n $GRIDNAME successfully but when I run to create mapping files, I get an error: ERROR: Problem on processor...
  15. K

    How does soil_moisture_streams work?

    Hi, I designed a experiment (startup run, F2000climo in CESM2) in which the soil moisture is prescribed with a given soil moisture climatology file. To reach this purpose, I set use_soil_moisture_streams = .true. in user_nl_clm. I also set stream_fldfilename_soilm =...
  16. K

    How to convert SOILLIQ (kg/m^2) to H2OSOI (m^3/m^3) from clm output

    Hi, SOILLIQ and H2OSOI both reprsent the soil moisture. I would like to convert SOILLIQ (kg/m^2) to H2OSOI (m^3/m^3), which have different units. But I have no idea how to do. I am looking forward to any suggestions. Thanks in advance. Best, Kaiwen
  17. M

    How is climate forcing defined in I2000 compsets? Is it climatologically averaged, or specific to the year 2000 only?

    Hello CLM community, I’m curious whether the I2000 compsets (such as I2000Clm50BgcCropGs and I2000Clm50Sp) average atmospheric/climate conditions over multiple years, -or if they rely on climate data specific to the year 2000. We need to evaluate the model outputs against ERA5-Land data, so...
  18. K

    Set a specific soil moisture climatology field when calculating the heat flux released from the land

    Hi, I am trying to replace the soil moisture data with a soil moisture data climatology file in the fully coupled CESM1 or CESM2 (CESM1 is better) only when the model is calculating the heat flux (i.e., latent and sensible heat flux), and maintain the coupling state between the land and the...
  19. J

    Anomaly forcing run adds extra streams at runtime, causing an error

    Hi all, I'm seeing some odd behaviour using anomaly forcing with CLM5. I'm trying to run the compset ISSP245Clm50BgcCrop in CESM2.1.3. I create the case and add the following to user_nl_datm: anomaly_forcing = 'Anomaly.Forcing.Precip', 'Anomaly.Forcing.Temperature', 'Anomaly.Forcing.Pressure'...
  20. X

    run ETEST compset with CESM2.1.2

    Hi all, I am doing some simulation experiments by changing PFT fractions to representing vegetation changes. I run simulations for 90 years with CESM2.1.2 ETEST(2000_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_DOCN%SOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV_TEST) compset and with f19_g17 resolution. ./create_newcase --case ETEST_oldsurf...