Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
Normal Operations
The forums are back online with normal operations. If you notice any issues or errors related to the forums, please reach out to


  1. MrIgnition

    Using atmospheric forcing with masked area

    Dear all, I intend to use my own atmospheric forcing (ERA5BC global) which has data only over land instead of GSWP and CruNCEP with clm5 over a domain that has both land and ocean. I have prepared the data and matched variable names in the stream.txt files to fit datm. But I percieve that CLM is...
  2. S

    How to couple CLM to GFS atmospheric model?

    I have to couple CLM to the GFS atmospheric model. I am a novice as far as CLM is concerned. Any help would be of great use.
  3. A

    Modifying dust aerosol inventory over a certain region though code modification in CESM2-CLM5

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to add a new inventory for dust aerosols over a certain region in CESM2-CLM5. My objective is to modify dust aerosols over a particular region and add my inventory. So far I have looked into this code in CLM5 which controls the dust emission...
  4. MrIgnition

    Invalid input, GSMap%gsize

    Hello all, I am running clm5 in offline mode with compset I1850Clm50SpCru. My intention with this is just to compare which dataset (GSWP vs CRUNCEP) performs better in simulating evapotranspiration over my domain. The simulation with GSWP is complete and I intend to now use CRUNCEP for the...
  5. MrIgnition


    I successfully submitted a case but simulation was not done. While this may be caused by many reasons, is it possible to have an overview of things that could make run fail even when check_case shows your case is OK? Please attached is cesm.log file to see if a solution can be provided.