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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. J

    Water demand from natural PFTs

    Hi all, A fairly broad question but hopefully easy for those in the know - how would I go about estimating the water demand from natural PFTs (as opposed to crops)? I'm interested in comparing how much water is used by tree PFTs vs irrigated crops, domestic/industrial use, etc. for SSP...
  2. jgx

    How to use own raw data to create surface data

    Hi everyone, According to the CLM5.0 user's guide, If I want to create my own surface data, I need to first generate a SCRIPgrids based on the raw data, then use to generate corresponding map files, and finally use mkserfdata_map generate surface daataset. What I want to know is, if...
  3. J

    MOSART basin area

    Hi all, Hopefully an easy question for those in the know - which variable in MOSART (as implemented in CLM5) gives you the river basin area? The output files contain: areatotal basin upstream areatotal [m2] (global sum - 2.5 x 10^15 sq m) areatotal2 computed basin upstream areatotal...
  4. J

    Docker Image for CLM

    Hi everyone, We plan to run CLM in the cloud and create a docker image for CLM. However, we observed that some efforts may have been made. Where can we find the most recent version (e.g., Dockerfile) so we do not have to reinvent the wheel?
  5. L

    Missing File: ""

    Hello everyone! I am running CLM5 for a single point in my computer and I have read the guide Example: Creating a surface dataset for a single point. When compile the "gen_domain", I used the following command: ../../../configure --macros-format Makefile --mpilib mpi-serial --machine...
  6. S

    Variable names for MEGAN emissions

    Dear CESM land modeling community, We are seeking to archive hourly emissions from MEGAN 2.1 in CESM2.1.3 with CLM5. Using the standard outputs, we are seeing that we can get 10 different emissions (acetaldehyde, acetic acid, acetone, carene-3, ethanol, formaldehyde, isoprene, methanol...
  7. H

    htapes_fieldlist ERROR: FireMech_bc_a1 in fincl

    Hi, I made some changes in user_nl_clm as: hist_fincl1 = 'FireComp_BC', 'FireMech_bc_a1', and so on other variables, but it seems it didn't find FireMech_. I can see 'FireMech_bc_a1' in the list in the link below, but why is it unable to find it? There is no problem with FireComp_BC, but only a...
  8. H

    NO fire emissions (FireComp_NO) from CLM5

    Hi, I have recently conducted simulations using CLM5 in CESM2.2.0, and I am particularly concerned about the emissions from land fires. I compared several species using both the GFED4 and CMIP6 biomass-burning emissions files. While the emissions of all other species appear to match reasonably...
  9. Z

    make: *** [shr_kind_mod.o] error 127

    Dear all: When I compile 'mksurfdata_map', error occurs. (base) [zhangguanhao@master src]$ cd /home/zhangguanhao/CLM5/clm5.0/tools/mksurfdata_map/src (base) [zhangguanhao@master src]$ make make: /usr/local/lib/../bin/nf-config:Command not found ifort -ftz -g -fp-model precise -convert...
  10. jgx

    Variables can be output by running CLM5

    Hi, I would like to know what variables can be output by running CLM5, and where can I find the information
  11. H

    How to incorporate CMIP6 climate anomaly in ISSP-based land model under CESM2.2?

    Hello, I recently created a new case using the "ISSP126Clm50BgcCrop" compset in CESM2.2 to monitor the ISSP-based climate effect. "datm.streams.txt.Anomaly.Forcing.*" were not present in the case directory, so I added the following line to the user_nl_datm. anomaly_forcing =...
  12. J

    CLM run crashes after first resubmit

    Hi all, I'm doing a regional CLM-only run over Africa with anomaly forcing from DATM. To run from 2015-2100 I separate the run into 17-year blocks and set RESUBMIT=4. The model runs fine for the initial set of 17 years and writes history files as expected. However, when the first resubmitted...
  13. D

    How I create variable for finidat file base on exist netcdf files?

    Hello, everyone. I am trying to write a new tracer to CLM BGC. I got a 2D global soil Hg concentration netcdf file. The workflow is I need to transfer the 2D conc. file into finidat 1D variable. But I cant find any tools in CLM tools or guidance about this workflow. Does anyone tried this...
  14. S

    Creat a new patch

    Dear all, I am using CLM5. Spatial land surface heterogeneity in CLM is represented as a nested subgrid hierarchy in which grid cells are composed of multiple land units, snow/soil columns, and patches. I find that at most 79 types of patches are used in CLM5, including not_vegetated, trees and...
  15. wvsi3w

    the output of a quick run

    Hello, I have used this for my case: "./create_newcase --case /home/meisam/scratch/cases/feb07 --compset I1850Clm50Bgc --res f19_g16 --machine narval --walltime 00:10:00 --run-unsupported". the config_machine.xml, config_batch.xml, config_compiler.xml, and other related files to the...
  16. J

    Wetland methane emissions

    Hi all, We're using CLM5 (in CESM2.2.0) in both SP and BGC-CROP modes and we're interested in calculating the methane emissions from wetlands. Is there a way we can scale grid-cell surface CH4 flux to the atmosphere to give a wetland CH4 flux? We tried scaling by land fraction and wetland...
  17. H

    Questions about canopy bottom height in CLM5.0

    What is the definition of the canopy bottom height in CLM 5.0? It seems to be unclear in the tech note. Is there a way (using somewhat function) to get the canopy bottom height data from the canopy top height data?
  18. H

    "lnd_import ERROR: Longwave down sent from the atmosphere model is negative or zero"

    Hello everyone, I use release-cesm2.2.0 and try to get the outputs with 'GRAINC_TO_FOOD'. I run this case with CAM60+CLM%Bgc-Crop+initial file "". Unfortunately, I encountered such error to stop the run. "lnd_import ERROR: Longwave...
  19. J

    Interrupted when run 10years in CLM-FATES

    Hi all, I am trying to run CLM-FATES. I intend to use 2015-2050 simulations. My case was set and modified as COMP= I2000Clm50Fates ./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=startup ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2015-01-01 ./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START=2015 ./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=2050 ./xmlchange...
  20. C

    Clarification on how models are coupled

    Hi everyone, I am relatively new when it comes to designing and running climate models, so I had a question or two on how CESM2 is coupled. I have tried to read a few papers and the user manuals but they were not very much help. I understand that all of the major components (CAM,CLM,etc) send...