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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. J

    Previously successful run crashes after 18 years

    Hi all, I'm running a coupled atmosphere-ocean compset in CESM2.2.0 on Cheyenne. I have successfully run this compset for 10 years - in the next run of 10 years it crashed at year 18. The error in the cesm.log is: WHL, oc_tavg_helper is already associated; reset the tavg fields 0: sysmem...
  2. J

    Problem processing PFT-level output

    Hi all, I've been working with some PFT-level data from CLM5 (e.g. NPP for each PFT) and have been using Python code from the NCAR-ESDS documentation to do the processing (Sparse arrays and the CESM land model component — NCAR-ESDS 0.1 documentation). This worked great until this week and I am...
  3. J

    Running 2015-2100, rather than 2000-2100

    Hi, I would like to do a transient run of CESM2.2.0 over the period 2015-2100 using SSP3-7.0. I plan to use a transient land use change scenario in CLM5 ('flanduse_timeseries'). However, the namelist setting 'sim_year_range' in CLM5 only permits running over the period 2000-2100. As I'm not...
  4. J

    Effect of CO2 on C4 grass biomass and fires

    Hi all, I have done some runs with CLM5 in land-only mode and have a result I'm not sure how to explain. The runs are at 0.5deg resolution over a regional domain covering sub-Saharan Africa over the period 2015-2100. We have used SSP3 anomaly forcings and done runs with CO2 increase only, CO2 +...
  5. C

    CLM Initialization Error for LENS2 Branch Run

    Hello. I am trying to do a branch run from the CESM2 LENS data; however, the model stops when initializing the land component with the following error: Reading restart file Reading restart dataset check_dim ERROR: mismatch of...
  6. H

    GLACIER_REGION NOT on surfdata while using landuse.timeseries data

    Hi, can I change the fsurdat from surfdata_0.9x1.25... to landuse.timeseries_0.9x1.25.... I tried changing it in CESM2.1.3 with ISSP370Clm50BgcCrop compset but encountered some problem: Default: fsurdat =...
  7. S

    ERROR in surfdata/fatmgrid lon/lat mismatch error

    Hi all, I'm working on change land-sea distribution in the CESM2.1.3, I have generate new ocean domain file and land domain file, and mapping files. The error happened in the run time, viewing the cesm log it says: ENDRUN: ERROR: ERROR in surfrdMod.F90 at line 384 ERROR: ERROR in...
  8. J

    PFT-level output - calculating timeseries per PFT

    Hi all, I'm working with the 1D PFT-level output for CLM5 for the first time. I am interested in plotting a timeseries of some PFT-level variables over my domain. I can see in the variable list that my history files contain a variable called 'pfts1d_wtgcell' (PFT weight relative to...
  9. H

    compound not found in FireEmis table

    Hello CESM community, I am encountering one ERROR recently when I run a model with the following compset, turning on fire, compset: I2000Clm50BgcCru CLM_BLDNML_OPTS="-fire_emis" After creating the case, I made some changes in user_nl_clm, such as fire_emis_specifier = 'CB1 = 0.5*BC'...
  10. Z

    The error when I use the in super computer

    Hi, every one! I study in spectral element variable model in CESM2.1.3 for a long time, when I try to use the script in ($CESM)/components/clm/tools/mkmapdata/ to create the clm input data (like the surfdata_xxx and the landuse_xxx), the procedure died when the following error...
  11. V

    addco2_user_nl_datm.user_nl is missing, how do I edit the user_nl_datm for a transcient CO2 PTCLM case?

    I'm not entirely sure if this should go in the CLM or DATM forums, so apologies if I've guessed wrong. I'm trying to run PTCLM5.0 with transcient atmospheric CO2 concentrations. As per this guide, these are the steps I have taken...
  12. T

    CLM-FATES with Methane model

    Dear all Is there any methods to simulate CH4 with CLM5-FATES?
  13. J

    How to use mpirun to run clm In parallel?

    Hi, I'm using a supercomputer to run clm5.0 and have set ./xmlchange NTASKS=64 and #SBATCH --nodes=4 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16 (max per node) in a slurm sbatch file. However, I found the running speed of 16 ntasks (i.e., nodes=1) is the same or even faster than 64 ntasks (i.e...
  14. L

    How to make a biomass field, and then CLM5 dould output biomass!

    I want to get the biomass of my research region. Who Can help me to change fortran code and realize this function Simpl. The conversion coefficient of npp to biomass can Simplify as 0.5. Thanks! Then I want to know how to improve the simulation of npp.The simulation in my area is...
  15. H

    Spinup and simulation use different resolutions

    Hi, I want to make a simulation with a high resolution in CLM5, which need to spin-up about 200 years and takes about half of month even longer. I noticed there is a namelist named "use_init_interp", it allows I spin-up with a low resolution even different compoment sets, the result can be used...
  16. J

    CLM not outputting NPP in BGC_CROP mode

    Hi all, I'm running CESM2 with CLM5 in BGC_CROP mode. The model fails very quickly and the error is in the lnd log file htapes_fieldlist ERROR: NPP in fincl( 29 ) for history tape 2 not found ENDRUN: ERROR: ERROR in histFileMod.F90 at line 699 I have asked the model to...
  17. H

    climate-chemistry interactions in CESM

    Hi, In CESM2.1.3 (FMOZ compset, CAM40%TMOZ, CLM5) do we manually need to turn on climate-chemistry interactions (i.e., simulated aerosols and ozone can actually affect climate?), and two-way nitrogen fluxes (i.e., does your simulated nitrogen deposition actually affects the land?). Where can I...
  18. V

    Build Error for Arctic-Boreal CLM

    Hi, I'm running PTCLM at a site in the Arctic, and I would like to apply the changes outlined in Birch et al (2021), and see what impact this has on the things I'm interested in. The process I have followed so far is as follows; 1. Downloaded the zip file from Zendoto (lmbirch89/CTSM: Arctic...
  19. V

    Changing Q10 in user_nl_clm

    Hi, I'm running PTCLM with the 2000_DATM%1PT_CLM50%BGC_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV compset, and I want to change the Q10 value for frozen and unfrozen soils. I can change the q10 for frozen soil by adding froz_q10=newvalue to the end of my user_nl_clm file, but when I add Q10=newvalue (to...
  20. H

    surfrd_get_data ERROR: sum of wt_lunit not 1.0

    Hi, I am running CESM2.1.3 with FMOZ compset, trying to see the impact of landcover change. I keep on changing "PCT_NAT_PFT", "PCT_NAT_PFT+PCT_CFT" and "PCT_NAT_PFT+PCT_CFT+PCT_CROP". Making change on the first two runs well, but when I change PCT_CROP along with PCT_NAT_PFT & PCT_CFT, there is...