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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. Z

    make: *** [shr_kind_mod.o] error 127

    Dear all: When I compile 'mksurfdata_map', error occurs. (base) [zhangguanhao@master src]$ cd /home/zhangguanhao/CLM5/clm5.0/tools/mksurfdata_map/src (base) [zhangguanhao@master src]$ make make: /usr/local/lib/../bin/nf-config:Command not found ifort -ftz -g -fp-model precise -convert...
  2. jgx

    Variables can be output by running CLM5

    Hi, I would like to know what variables can be output by running CLM5, and where can I find the information
  3. H

    How to incorporate CMIP6 climate anomaly in ISSP-based land model under CESM2.2?

    Hello, I recently created a new case using the "ISSP126Clm50BgcCrop" compset in CESM2.2 to monitor the ISSP-based climate effect. "datm.streams.txt.Anomaly.Forcing.*" were not present in the case directory, so I added the following line to the user_nl_datm. anomaly_forcing =...
  4. J

    CLM run crashes after first resubmit

    Hi all, I'm doing a regional CLM-only run over Africa with anomaly forcing from DATM. To run from 2015-2100 I separate the run into 17-year blocks and set RESUBMIT=4. The model runs fine for the initial set of 17 years and writes history files as expected. However, when the first resubmitted...
  5. D

    How I create variable for finidat file base on exist netcdf files?

    Hello, everyone. I am trying to write a new tracer to CLM BGC. I got a 2D global soil Hg concentration netcdf file. The workflow is I need to transfer the 2D conc. file into finidat 1D variable. But I cant find any tools in CLM tools or guidance about this workflow. Does anyone tried this...
  6. S

    Creat a new patch

    Dear all, I am using CLM5. Spatial land surface heterogeneity in CLM is represented as a nested subgrid hierarchy in which grid cells are composed of multiple land units, snow/soil columns, and patches. I find that at most 79 types of patches are used in CLM5, including not_vegetated, trees and...
  7. wvsi3w

    the output of a quick run

    Hello, I have used this for my case: "./create_newcase --case /home/meisam/scratch/cases/feb07 --compset I1850Clm50Bgc --res f19_g16 --machine narval --walltime 00:10:00 --run-unsupported". the config_machine.xml, config_batch.xml, config_compiler.xml, and other related files to the...
  8. J

    Wetland methane emissions

    Hi all, We're using CLM5 (in CESM2.2.0) in both SP and BGC-CROP modes and we're interested in calculating the methane emissions from wetlands. Is there a way we can scale grid-cell surface CH4 flux to the atmosphere to give a wetland CH4 flux? We tried scaling by land fraction and wetland...
  9. H

    Questions about canopy bottom height in CLM5.0

    What is the definition of the canopy bottom height in CLM 5.0? It seems to be unclear in the tech note. Is there a way (using somewhat function) to get the canopy bottom height data from the canopy top height data?
  10. H

    "lnd_import ERROR: Longwave down sent from the atmosphere model is negative or zero"

    Hello everyone, I use release-cesm2.2.0 and try to get the outputs with 'GRAINC_TO_FOOD'. I run this case with CAM60+CLM%Bgc-Crop+initial file "". Unfortunately, I encountered such error to stop the run. "lnd_import ERROR: Longwave...
  11. J

    Interrupted when run 10years in CLM-FATES

    Hi all, I am trying to run CLM-FATES. I intend to use 2015-2050 simulations. My case was set and modified as COMP= I2000Clm50Fates ./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=startup ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2015-01-01 ./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START=2015 ./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=2050 ./xmlchange...
  12. C

    Clarification on how models are coupled

    Hi everyone, I am relatively new when it comes to designing and running climate models, so I had a question or two on how CESM2 is coupled. I have tried to read a few papers and the user manuals but they were not very much help. I understand that all of the major components (CAM,CLM,etc) send...
  13. J

    Previously successful run crashes after 18 years

    Hi all, I'm running a coupled atmosphere-ocean compset in CESM2.2.0 on Cheyenne. I have successfully run this compset for 10 years - in the next run of 10 years it crashed at year 18. The error in the cesm.log is: WHL, oc_tavg_helper is already associated; reset the tavg fields 0: sysmem...
  14. J

    Problem processing PFT-level output

    Hi all, I've been working with some PFT-level data from CLM5 (e.g. NPP for each PFT) and have been using Python code from the NCAR-ESDS documentation to do the processing (Sparse arrays and the CESM land model component — NCAR-ESDS 0.1 documentation). This worked great until this week and I am...
  15. J

    Running 2015-2100, rather than 2000-2100

    Hi, I would like to do a transient run of CESM2.2.0 over the period 2015-2100 using SSP3-7.0. I plan to use a transient land use change scenario in CLM5 ('flanduse_timeseries'). However, the namelist setting 'sim_year_range' in CLM5 only permits running over the period 2000-2100. As I'm not...
  16. J

    Effect of CO2 on C4 grass biomass and fires

    Hi all, I have done some runs with CLM5 in land-only mode and have a result I'm not sure how to explain. The runs are at 0.5deg resolution over a regional domain covering sub-Saharan Africa over the period 2015-2100. We have used SSP3 anomaly forcings and done runs with CO2 increase only, CO2 +...
  17. C

    CLM Initialization Error for LENS2 Branch Run

    Hello. I am trying to do a branch run from the CESM2 LENS data; however, the model stops when initializing the land component with the following error: Reading restart file Reading restart dataset check_dim ERROR: mismatch of...
  18. H

    GLACIER_REGION NOT on surfdata while using landuse.timeseries data

    Hi, can I change the fsurdat from surfdata_0.9x1.25... to landuse.timeseries_0.9x1.25.... I tried changing it in CESM2.1.3 with ISSP370Clm50BgcCrop compset but encountered some problem: Default: fsurdat =...
  19. S

    ERROR in surfdata/fatmgrid lon/lat mismatch error

    Hi all, I'm working on change land-sea distribution in the CESM2.1.3, I have generate new ocean domain file and land domain file, and mapping files. The error happened in the run time, viewing the cesm log it says: ENDRUN: ERROR: ERROR in surfrdMod.F90 at line 384 ERROR: ERROR in...
  20. J

    PFT-level output - calculating timeseries per PFT

    Hi all, I'm working with the 1D PFT-level output for CLM5 for the first time. I am interested in plotting a timeseries of some PFT-level variables over my domain. I can see in the variable list that my history files contain a variable called 'pfts1d_wtgcell' (PFT weight relative to...