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  1. Y

    Request C3 and C4 distribution dataset

    Describe your problem or question: Dear NCAR scientists, I am using output from the historical run of CMIP6 (variant_label = 'r1i1p1f1') to analyze photosynthesis. In CLM, plants use C3 and C4 pathways for photosynthesis. I think the input data from CLM should include C3 and C4 plant...
  2. S

    Query regarding table_id 'Aermon' and 'Amon'

    Hi, recently while going through the CMIP6 output I came across these 2 table ids. I dont quite understand what is the difference between them, although I have looked them up in the relevant documents. It just says Amon is atmospheric monthly data whereas Aermon is atmospheric chemistry and...
  3. K

    Questions about the CMIP6-AMIP 001-010

    I have some questions regarding the f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_f09_mg17.CMIP6-AMIP.0XX experiment series (001 to 010). What are the differences between the outputs and setups? They use the same F compset, but what other conditions were applied differently? As for the SST Inputs, are they all using...
  4. M

    What is land surface temperature in CMIP6 offline CLM5 simulation?

    Dear all, I had trouble when I tried to compare the MODIS land surface temperature ( LP DAAC - MYD11C3) with land surface temperature in CMIP6 offline CLM5 simulation (LS3MIP, land-hist). Which variable is the land surface temperature that can be compared to MODIS LST? The description of ts...
  5. aswann2


    Are there any currently working scripts for derecho or casper to CMOR-ize CESM output? (I'm assuming no but would love to learn that I am wrong!) If not working, are there still scripts we could read that would contain the info needed to do this by ~hand? - i.e. the variable name and unit...
  6. N

    "Zostoga" gridded data product availability?

    Hello, I am interested in CESM CMIP6 output of thermostreric sea level rise. The matching variable I found is "zostoga", however, it is only available as a globally spatially averaged data product. I am wondering where I could find a spatially gridded version of this variable? Thanks in advance.
  7. J

    High-resolution soil emissions for SSP3?

    Hi all, I'm setting up some experiments on a regionally-refined grid and doing some emissions processing. I was wondering if there are files containing soil emissions of NH3 and NOx (which would be included as NH3_other_surface) at a grid resolution higher than 0.9x1.25? I've processed raw...
  8. Z

    Query about Pr outputs of CESM2-FV2 under the CMIP6 ssp585

    Hello! I have a query about the variable Pr (total precipitation or precipitation flux in the standard name) of the CESM2-FV2 model under the ssp585 forcing scenario. Currently, this variable is absent on the ESGF portal. Will it be made available in the future? Thank you!
  9. acgvar

    BSSP component sets and baseline states

    I hope that this thread can be useful for everyone. Let's say, I have run the following, ./create_newcase --case BSSP245cmip6 --res f09_g17 --compset BSSP245cmip6 in a ported machine (CESM 2.1.3) and I've tested that the simulation could complete successfully. I have a few questions...
  10. X

    CESM2 outputs from CMIP6 to derive WRF

    Hi there, I am wondering if it is possible to get the 6-hourly CESM2 outputs of the CMIP6 project to derive the WRF model. A similar dataset (Bias-Corrected CMIP5 CESM Data in WRF/MPAS Intermediate File Format | OpenSky) has been proposed in 2015, but for the CMIP5 archive. Specifically, I need...
  11. A

    CESM1 resolution and CESM CMIP6 data

    Greatings, I would like to simulate climate change effects in Brazil using the CESM1 model (CMIP5). I am looking for CESM’s resolution information to realize regional dynamical downscaling with the WRF mesoscale model. According to information catched on NCAR Website, the CESM (CESM1) model...
  12. H

    Where can I get the CESM2 Spinup files of CMIP6?

    Hi all I am planning to do some research based on CESM2 data in CMIP6. In order to ensure the same initial conditions, I now need to start my simulation with the same restart files, but I wonder if these restart files are available? In CESM2 Experiments, Data & Diagnostic Output, for example...
  13. M

    Problems about compset for CMIP6 piControl and 1pctCO2

    Hello, I want to do experiments based on the CMIP6 piControl and 1pctCO2 compset. And I found the probably right out-of-the-box compset: Are the compsets above suitable for my scientific case ? Additionally, I found the following notes on the webpage...
  14. J

    CESM2 data in WRF

    Hello Folks, I'm wondering does the CESM team has input data for the WRF model in the CMIP6 project? I want the SSPs scenarios. And are the data the same as the "NCAR CESM Global Bias-Corrected CMIP5 Output to Support WRF/MPAS Research" ? I can't find similar data at...
  15. L

    CESM2.0 output meteorological data from CMIP6

    Hello Folks, I’m wondering whether someone has an idea about the data availability of CESM2 output meteorological data (e.g., air temperature, precipitation, radiation, wind, pressure, etc.) at 3- or 6-hourly time step from CMIP6 project. I have checked the Earth System Grid Federation (cmip6 -...
  16. T

    A problem with CESM2 cmip6 outputs

    Hi everyone, recently I'm analyzing the output data of CESM2 for CMIP6 AMIP experiments. There're 3 ensemble members, and the magnitude of precipitation flux in r1i1p1f1 is about 10^-9 kg m-2 s-1 while 10^-4 kg m-2 s-1 in the other two ensemble members. It seems that the results of r2i1p1f1 and...
  17. U

    Probloms in running compset BHISTcmip6

    Hello. I'm a novice in CESM2.1.3 and I learned a lot after reading the user's guide.Recently, I have some problems in running model. I want to run the coupling test of CMIP6, and then modify the parameters for sensitivity test. So, I did the following. At first, ./create_newcase --case...
  18. Y

    BSSPcmip6 pio die/overflow error

    Hi all, I am running a BSSP585cmip6 case, a totally default one. I got an error as below: pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR: nf_mod.F90: 1508 : Overflow when type cast to 4-byte integer. It should be happening when initializing the clm module, interpolating the...
  19. D

    How are CMIP6 "evspsbl" and "hfls" variables calculated from CESM output?

    The variables "evspsbl" ( Evaporation Including Sublimation and Transpiration) and "hfls" (Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux) are very similar in character and I am unsure how these fields are calculated from the atmospheric fields that are part of the standard output. Comparing CMIP6 data from...
  20. A

    Elevated concentrations in CAM CO2 tracer field for Historical Amon

    For CMIP6, we are submitting to ESGF CAM's CO2 tracer. For WACCM, this tracer is prognostic and is used in radiative computations, while for CAM it is a diagnostic quantity and is not used in radiative computations. I previously received a related question from someone trying to set up a CESM...