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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. N

    adding new aerosol types

    Hi everyone, I'm an undergrad student looking to add new aerosol types to CESM for solar geoengineering studies, specifically those that don’t already exist within the model. I’ve been exploring the files under cam/src/chemistry/modal_aero and I’m considering modifying the MAM to incorporate...
  2. Y

    Latest MERRA2 forcing files for specified dynamics in WACCM

    Hello, The MERRA2 forcing files used to nudge the atmospheric fields, in the specified dynamics configuration, stop in April 2021: /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/met/MERRA2/0.9x1.25/ Are the newest files for 2021-2023 available somewhere? And if not, is there a plan to make them...
  3. F

    Request to download WACCM subset: Purge requests

    Hi all, I am trying to download an output of the WACCM subset, but I receive this error: There were problems accessing the data: User has more than 10 open requests. Purge requests before trying again. I would greatly appreciate it if somebody could tell me how to purge previous requests...
  4. E

    Is it possible to run 2xCO2 in Bwma1850 compset?

    In an attempt to compare volcanic eruptions in different climate states I want to run the BWma1850 compset with doubled CO2 concentrations before I branch off and run my ensemble of volcanic eruptions experiments. (I have already been running these eruptions using the standard BWma1850 compset.)...
  5. E

    Double CO2 simulation in WACCM6

    I want to run a simulation similar to the BWma1850 compset, but that has fixed sea-surface temperature (see long name below) and then double the CO2 concentration. Simulation long name: 1850_CAM60%WCCM_CLM50%BGC-CROP_CICE_DOCN%SOM_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_SWAV_TEST My first approach was to only...
  6. E

    How to appropriately calculate radiative forcing imbalance

    When running simulations with volcanic forcing in a fixed sea-surface temperature condition to get an estimate of the forcing, what output variables are the appropriate ones to use? From what I understand, the standard way to do this is to calculate it as the sum of the shortwave + longwave...
  7. X

    Irregular Fluctuations in Monthly Mean SOLIN Variable in CESM2.1.1 Simulation

    Greetings, I am writing to seek your help regarding an issue I encountered in my CESM2.1.1 WACCM simulation. During the simulation, I used the branch restart method multiple times. However, I noticed that the monthly mean values of the SOLIN variable show irregular fluctuations instead of...
  8. E

    CAM-chem with coupled dynamic ocean in CESM2.1.3

    I have previously been running the BWma1850 compset, where the point has been to run the CESM with my own volcanic forcing file (i.e. by creating a new VolcanEESM... in the stratvolc directory) such that the evolution of stratospheric aerosol from SO2 emissions are calculated by the model. The...
  9. A

    Impulse Emission - how to define an instantaneous emission in ext_frc_specifier

    Hello, I am interested in modeling discrete events that generate instantaneous emissions at altitude. I want to create impulse emissions which occur at a single instance, rather than over time. For context, I need to combine this emission with other emissions that use the 'cyclical' parameter...
  10. A

    Add Alumina Aerosol Emission

    Hello there! I am a new user to WACCM/CAM and I am interested in adding alumina emissions at altitude. However, I am confused how to specify the particle distribution size for my emissions. I am also curious to learn how to add optical properties such that WACCM computes the radiative forcing...
  11. O

    "Lagrangian levels are crossing" when changing topography in WACCM

    Dear all, I'm trying to run CESM2.1.3 with FW2000climo compset, and resolution is f09_f09_mg17. I'm able to run the case successfully. However, after I changed topography file by reducing PHIS, SGH, and SGH30, the case failed, with the error messages like: (from the first file attached) Then...
  12. A

    Running WACCM SE 1 degree as an aquaplanet -- where is 'uzm' calculated? (used in qbo.F90)

    Hi all, I'm running a WACCM aquaplanet simulation with a 1 degree resolution spectral element dynamical core. When I run this configuration, I get an error when the qbo_init subroutine runs with WACCM -- it calls for 'UZM' zonal mean zonal wind, which is no longer computed with CESM2 in...
  13. J

    Interpolating input data from WACCM to CAM-chem

    Hi all, I would like to interpolate some initial conditions from WACCM (70 vertical levels) to use in a CAM-chem run (32 vertical levels) using the interpic tool. I can see that a 32-level case is non-standard in the script 'create_template.ncl' which is required to run interpic. Sure enough...
  14. l_vankampenhout@uu_nl

    Land ice variables appear missing in WACCM simulations

    Hello, I'm interested in output from these WACCM runs that were performed at NCAR: SSP585 /glade/collections/cdg/data/CMIP6/ScenarioMIP/NCAR/CESM2-WACCM/ssp585/r1i1p1f1/ case root: /glade/work/cmip6/cases/ScenarioMIP_WACCM/b.e21.BWSSP585cmip6.f09_g17.CMIP6-SSP5-8.5-WACCM.001 SSP126...
  15. W

    difference between O3_Prod and O3_CHMP

    Hi all, I wonder what the difference between O3_Prod and O3_CHMP. It seems based on output, O3_CHMP is "chemical production rate" in a unit of /cm3/s; for O3_Prod, it is in a unit of molecules/cm3/s. I guess one may be the reaction rate constant, and another one is the reaction rate. But I am...
  16. H

    Solar Data with EUV and soft X-ray bands (down to ~0.5 nm)

    Hi! I was wondering if anyone knows which solar irradiance data includes EUV and soft X-ray bands (in The default one ( only goes down to 120 nm. Thanks in advance for the...
  17. K


    Hello, Now, to investigate the effect of the aircraft's emission on the atmosphere, I run two CASEs: one with aircraft emission and one without the emission. The calculation conditions are below. COMPSET: FW1850 RES: f09_f09_mg17 RUN_STARTDATE: 2015-0101 STOP_N = 13 STOP_OPTION = nmonths...
  18. S

    WACCM/CAMChem regional download script

    Hello, I am trying to download daily WACCM file from NCAR data base and each day file is over 8 GB, but I want to deal with only certain portion of globe which results in 500 MB of file, so I want to perform the hyperslab on remote server so that only 500 MB...
  19. R

    WACCM-D test

    Hi all, I am going to run a test in a local cluster where we have CESM2. These are the steps that I follow: create_newcase --compset FWmadSD --res f09_f09_mg17 --case=~/cases/test cd ~/cases/test/ ./case.setup ./ build step goes well and successfully finished the job. Then...
  20. R


    Hi everyone I am new in the community and going to run WACCM_D. Is there any example run available to get started? How I can find out which compsets and grids should I use in this case? I really appreciate your helps.