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How select a special region to run the CLM from the global model in CLM?


Javad Teymoori
This indicates that you are using manage_externals but fates is using git-fleximod, try removing the
.gitmodules file from the fates directory and see if that solves the problem
or you can go to the CTSM/src/fates directory and manually checkout the fates code indicated by the
top level Externals_CLM.cfg file.
There is no file with gitmodules or Externals_CLM.cfg in the fate directory.
How can I remove them?



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The file name has a period in the front of it, i.e., ".gitmodules".
Don't remove Externals_CLM.cfg


Javad Teymoori
I applied all the suggestions to solve the error, including removing ".gitmodules" from CTSM/src/fates directory, but I faced the error again.
Do you know how I can solve it?


Staff member
Given the confusion all around (yours and mine and possibly everyone's), I would recommend @jedwards and @oleson's advice of starting over clean, i.e. checking out a new copy of ctsm5.2.005 in a new directory.


Staff member
I expect that from the 10 previous pages of support from mostly @oleson (and a bit from me and @jedwards), plus anything you picked up from CLM's User's Guide and Technote, you can recreate the steps that you need.