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How to transplant my model to Derecho

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Jinmu Luo
Is this the first time you've run single-point? If so, you'd need to create a surface dataset and domain file for the gridcell you want to simulate. Some instructions are provided here:

Do you mean the one of the result files when we created the single-site meteorology?
./subset_data point --lat 42.06620 --lon 273.65425 --site isu_point --create-surface --create-datm --datm-syr 2010 --datm-eyr 2014 --create-user-mods --outdir ${SUBDATA}

like this one?



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Can you point me to a single-point case you've run successfully previously? I suspect you were using newer code for that which doesn't require a domain file, it uses a mesh file instead.


Jinmu Luo
Can you point me to a single-point case you've run successfully previously? I suspect you were using newer code for that which doesn't require a domain file, it uses a mesh file instead.

Here is an example I ran on Cheyenne with CTSM



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Right, the code you are using now is older and your single point cases require a domain file. Actually, in the newer code, I don't think you even need a mesh file for a single-point simulation.


Jinmu Luo
Right, the code you are using now is older and your single point cases require a domain file. Actually, in the newer code, I don't think you even need a mesh file for a single-point simulation.
So what I need to do is just point LND_DOMAIN_PATH and LND_DOMAIN_FILE to the file below.



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
No, you would point "fsurdat" in your user_nl_clm to that file. You need a domain file. I think if you add --create-domain to your subset_data command above, it will create a domain file for you.


Jinmu Luo
No, you would point "fsurdat" in your user_nl_clm to that file. You need a domain file. I think if you add --create-domain to your subset_data command above, it will create a domain file for you.
Hi Keith,

After I merged my code (ctsm5.1.dev108) with release-cesm2.2.03, the newly merged code requested more definitions of one variable. I compared the old code and merged code, I didn't delete anything about 'fan_nh3_to_atm'. Do you know if this question was caused by the different cime versions?


ERROR: Variable 'fan_nh3_to_atm' from file '/glade/work/jinmuluo/cases/DerechoTest/Buildconf/clmconf/drv_flds_in' is not in the namelist definition.

old code (works well on cheyenn, CTSM): /glade/u/home/jinmuluo/CLM-FANv3
Newly merged code: /glade/u/home/jinmuluo/CLM-FANv3tag01


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I wouldn't think so. I'd difference the files containing instances of 'fan_nh3_to_atm' between the two versions of your code to see if there is anything missing.
Do you get that error when you run ./preview_namelists in your case directory?


Jinmu Luo
I wouldn't think so. I'd difference the files containing instances of 'fan_nh3_to_atm' between the two versions of your code to see if there is anything missing.
Do you get that error when you run ./preview_namelists in your case directory?
Yes, I got the same error when I ./preview_namelists in my case directory.
When I resolved the code conflicts between the two versions, all changes weren't made on the main code.


Jinmu Luo
I wouldn't think so. I'd difference the files containing instances of 'fan_nh3_to_atm' between the two versions of your code to see if there is anything missing.
Do you get that error when you run ./preview_namelists in your case directory?
Hi Keith,

Is there any ctsm release close to tag ctsm5.1.dev108 that can be run on Derecho right now?



Jinmu Luo
Hi Keith,

After I merged my code (ctsm5.1.dev108) with release-cesm2.2.03, the newly merged code requested more definitions of one variable. I compared the old code and merged code, I didn't delete anything about 'fan_nh3_to_atm'. Do you know if this question was caused by the different cime versions?


ERROR: Variable 'fan_nh3_to_atm' from file '/glade/work/jinmuluo/cases/DerechoTest/Buildconf/clmconf/drv_flds_in' is not in the namelist definition.

old code (works well on cheyenn, CTSM): /glade/u/home/jinmuluo/CLM-FANv3
Newly merged code: /glade/u/home/jinmuluo/CLM-FANv3tag01

Hi Keith,

After I merged my code (ctsm5.1.dev108) with release-cesm2.2.03, the newly merged code requested more definitions of one variable. I compared the old code and merged code, I didn't delete anything about 'fan_nh3_to_atm'. Do you know if this question was caused by the different cime versions?


ERROR: Variable 'fan_nh3_to_atm' from file '/glade/work/jinmuluo/cases/DerechoTest/Buildconf/clmconf/drv_flds_in' is not in the namelist definition.

old code (works well on cheyenn, CTSM): /glade/u/home/jinmuluo/CLM-FANv3
Newly merged code: /glade/u/home/jinmuluo/CLM-FANv3tag01
Hi @erik ,

When I merged my fan code with tag ctsm5.1.dev163, two specific external software in the Externals.cfg has different repo_url like below, and they are under your repository. How can I update these two repo_url? Thank you!

#tag = cmeps0.13.71
hash = 1fce4310845bff83de67d4fa52be09a02ef1954c
#branch = fancpl2-up-merge
protocol = git
repo_url = GitHub - ekluzek/CMEPS: NUOPC Coupler Code
local_path = components/cmeps
required = True

#tag = cpl7.0.14
protocol = git
repo_url = GitHub - ekluzek/CESM_CPL7andDataComps: cpl7 data models
local_path = components/cpl7
#branch = fancpl2-up-merge
hash = 52afc38938202889ca42925407e77d89ca288623
required = True


Staff member
@jinmuluo I tried the following command, which overwrote my Externals.cfg with the one from dev163, and I saw no reference to ekluzek:
git show ctsm5.1.dev163:Externals.cfg > Externals.cfg
So I suggest executing this command to get your Externals.cfg to be consistent with dev163.


Jinmu Luo
@jinmuluo I tried the following command, which overwrote my Externals.cfg with the one from dev163, and I saw no reference to ekluzek:
git show ctsm5.1.dev163:Externals.cfg > Externals.cfg
So I suggest executing this command to get your Externals.cfg to be consistent with dev163.
Hi Sam,

Thank you for your replies!
Actually, if I kept my Externals.cfg same with dev163. The model will report an error when I build it.

ERROR: Variable 'fan_nh3_to_atm' from file '/glade/work/jinmuluo/cases/DerechoTest/Buildconf/clmconf/drv_flds_in' is not in the namelist definition.

I use the grep command to search the variable 'fan_nh3_to_atm' in my old code and the new merged code. I found in the old code, that both cmeps and cpl7 have 'fan_nh3_to_atm' definitions but the newly merged code doesn't. So I guess I should use some special version of cmeps and cpl7.

If I used the older cmeps and cpl7, the model reported another error with machine definitions.




Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I'm having trouble sorting this out, so apologies if my suggestions aren't making sense. But I don't think there are any versions of the externals that have fan_nh3_to_atm in them, I assume that is from the fan branch itself. So I wonder if the easiest thing to do is to modify the externals manually with the code that is associated with fan_nh3_to_atm on your fan branch? @slevis ?


Jinmu Luo
I'm having trouble sorting this out, so apologies if my suggestions aren't making sense. But I don't think there are any versions of the externals that have fan_nh3_to_atm in them, I assume that is from the fan branch itself. So I wonder if the easiest thing to do is to modify the externals manually with the code that is associated with fan_nh3_to_atm on your fan branch? @slevis ?

Do you mean I should modify my branch manually? So that means I should first merge my code with dev164 then add the fan_nh3_to_atm to the cmeps and cpl7. But I am not sure if can I upload cmeps and cpl7 as source code to my github.



Jinmu Luo
I'm having trouble sorting this out, so apologies if my suggestions aren't making sense. But I don't think there are any versions of the externals that have fan_nh3_to_atm in them, I assume that is from the fan branch itself. So I wonder if the easiest thing to do is to modify the externals manually with the code that is associated with fan_nh3_to_atm on your fan branch? @slevis ?
Thank you for your suggestion, after I manually added the definitions into cmeps and cpl7, here is an error I met when I built my case. Could you help me take a look at it, I don't have any idea how to solve it. Thank you so much.



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I don't recognize that error. However, I created the same case as yours using your code and it built successfully. I'm not sure what to say other than maybe clean the build completely (./ --clean-all) and try to build again. My case is here: /glade/work/oleson/FAN_runs/DerechoTest


Jinmu Luo
I don't recognize that error. However, I created the same case as yours using your code and it built successfully. I'm not sure what to say other than maybe clean the build completely (./ --clean-all) and try to build again. My case is here: /glade/work/oleson/FAN_runs/DerechoTest

Thank you, I still met the same error even after I recreated my case.


Jinmu Luo
I don't recognize that error. However, I created the same case as yours using your code and it built successfully. I'm not sure what to say other than maybe clean the build completely (./ --clean-all) and try to build again. My case is here: /glade/work/oleson/FAN_runs/DerechoTest
I tried a global simulation, I can build the case and submit it. But I still have the error for the single site case,, don't know why.
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