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Problem with user_nl_datm

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Evgeniy Churyulin
New Member
Dear, All

I'm trying to run CTSM model on LEVANTE cluster with my daily forcing, but I have several problems:
1. I don't understand why I have these Errors.
ERROR: No variable ATM_DOMAIN_PATH found in case
ERROR: No variable ATM_DOMAIN_FILE found in case
ERROR: No variable DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_ALIGN found in case
ERROR: No variable DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START found in case
ERROR: No variable DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END found in case
However, I checked data and I have them into the folder. Also there is no problems with LND_DOMAIN_PATH and LND_DOMAIN_FILE.

2. When I'm trying to add something to user_nl_datm and then create namelist ./previev_namelist. I got this error:
Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (8388608, -1)
2023-06-23 16:39:32 atm
Create namelist for component datm
Calling /work/mj0143/b381275/ctsm_levante/components/cdeps/datm/cime_config/buildnml
ERROR: Variable 'mapalgo' from file 'user_nl_datm' is not in the namelist definition.
I have tried different options, the result always the same.

3. I cannot get such files as:
ls CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.*
echo "Copy CaseDocs/datm.streams."
cp CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.* .
mv datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip
mv datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar
mv datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW
mv datm.streams.txt.presaero.clim_2000 user_datm.streams.txt.presaero.clim_2000
mv datm.streams.txt.topo.observed user_datm.streams.txt.topo.observed

In case of GSWP forcing, model works fine and I get results, but still there are no files in my case folder only (I converted my file manually to txt format. )
./xmlchange DATM_MODE='CLMGSWP3v1'
./xmlchange DATM_YR_START=1910
./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=1915

Best regards,


  • newcase_test2.txt
    3.3 KB · Views: 6
  • datm.streams.txt
    36.4 KB · Views: 9


Evgeniy Churyulin
New Member
Problem was solved.

I corrected the case option

./create_newcase --case $DIR_CASE --compset $COMPSET --res $CLM_USRDAT --mach levante --run-unsupported
./create_newcase --case $DIR_CASE --compset $COMPSET --res $CLM_USRDAT --mach levante --run-unsupported --driver mct

Best, Evgenii


Evgeniy Churyulin
New Member
Dear All,

I have additional question:

I want to start my spinup simulation with active CO2 forcing data. I want to use this file:
However, I have problems:
1. In my running script I have added this parameter ./xmlchange DATM_CO2_TSERIES='SSP3-7.0'. When created new case and make ./preview_namelist I found that model automatically define another dataset:

1. How can I set the CO2 dataset from 1750-2501?

My current compset is I1850Clm50BgcCrop and I prepared forcing from 1850 year

Best regards,


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I think you could copy the CO2 streams file from your CaseDocs directory and then change the file name within that streams file.
From your case directory:

cp CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.co2tseries.20tr ./user_datm.streams.txt.co2tseries.20tr

Then change the file name in user_datm.streams.txt.co2tseries.20tr, and run preview_namelists and see if you are point to the desired file in CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.co2tseries.20tr
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