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Question about v-wind variables for CFday and Amon

Qianye Su

qianye su su
New Member
Hello, I would like to ask about the difference between day and CFday in CMIP6, I downloaded the variable va of CESM2 amip experiment from CMIP6 official website, it is r1i1p1f1 table id there are two, one is Amon and the other one is CFday, why I used ncl's vinth2p to interpolate CFday, and then did the monthly average processing to compare with Amon, but the monthly average result of CFday is similar to Amon's distribution, then I did a difference between Amon and CFday, and then I did a difference between Amon and CFday. Why did I use ncl vinth2p to interpolate CFday, and then do the monthly average treatment to compare with Amon, but the monthly average result of CFday and Amon distribution is almost the same, and then I did a difference between Amon and CFday, the result will have to write the deviation of the region, why is this? Or is it that the interpolation method of the output variables in CMIP6 is not the same as vinth2p,This is a picture of mine and the code to run it

procedure copyVarAttributes(srcVar:numeric, dstVar:numeric)
  attrNames = getvaratts(srcVar)
  do name=0,dimsizes(attrNames)-1
    attrName = attrNames(name)
    dstVar@$attrName$ = srcVar@$attrName$
  end do

folder_path = "/data3/users/2022ghd/sqy/AMIP/CESM2/uvwt/output_year/"
output_path = "/data3/users/2022ghd/sqy/AMIP/CESM2/CESM2_Daily/"
model = "CESM2"
system("if [ ! -d " + output_path + " ]; then mkdir -p " + output_path + "; fi")

p_levs = (/1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 10.0, 30.0, 50.0, 70.0, 100.0, 150.0, 200.0, 250.0, 300.0, 350.0, 400.0, 450.0, 500.0,\
          550.0, 600.0, 650.0, 700.0, 750.0, 775.0, 800.0, 825.0, 850.0, 875.0, 900.0, 925.0, 950.0, 975.0, 1000.0/)
levels = p_levs
levels@units = "hPa"
levels@long_name = "Pressure Surface"

do year = 1979, 2014
    file_name = systemfunc("ls "+ folder_path + "*" + year + "*.nc")
    print("Processing " + file_name)

    f = addfile(file_name, "r")
    P0mb = f->P0 * 0.01
    hyam = f->hyam
    hybm = f->hybm
    ps = f->PS
    V_hybrid = f->V

    if (dimsizes(dimsizes(hyam)) .gt. 1) then
      hyam_1d = hyam(0,:)
      hybm_1d = hybm(0,:)
      hyam_1d = hyam
      hybm_1d = hybm
    end if

    vonp = vinth2p(V_hybrid, hyam_1d, hybm_1d, levels, ps, 2, P0mb, 1, False)
    vnomask = vinth2p(V_hybrid, hyam_1d, hybm_1d, levels, ps, 2, P0mb, 1, True)

    nlev = dimsizes(levels)
    nlat = dimsizes(f->lat)
    nlon = dimsizes(f->lon)

    v_all = tofloat(vonp(:,:,::-1,:))
    v_nomask = tofloat(vnomask(:,:,::-1,:))

    copyVarAttributes(V_hybrid, v_all)
    copyVarAttributes(V_hybrid, v_nomask)

    pure_file_name = systemfunc("basename " + file_name)
    out_filename = output_path + model + "_AMIP_daily_" + year + ".nc"

    system("rm -f " + out_filename)
    ncdf = addfile(out_filename, "c")

    fAtt = True
    fAtt@title = model + " AMIP r1i1p1f1 files interpolated from hybrid to pressure(vinth2p_cam)"
    fAtt@source_file = model + " output"
    fAtt@conventions = "none"
    fAtt@creation_date = systemfunc("date")

    dimNames = (/"time","level","lat","lon"/)
    dimSizes = (/dimsizes(f->time),nlev,nlat,nlon/)
    dimUnlim = (/-1,False,False,False/)



end do


Qianye Su

qianye su su
New Member
Your plot didn't come through.

Are you trying to compare "va_Amon" to averaged "va_CFday"?

This is the picture I plotted and the difference between the two, since I need to use the daily average data for my study but the table id day for the CESM2 AMIP experiment doesn't have the number of layers I need, I want to use CFday's model layers interpolated to the number of layers I need for my study, so comparing Amon to CFday


Staff member
View attachment 5113
This is the picture I plotted and the difference between the two, since I need to use the daily average data for my study but the table id day for the CESM2 AMIP experiment doesn't have the number of layers I need, I want to use CFday's model layers interpolated to the number of layers I need for my study, so comparing Amon to CFday

Thanks for the explanation. I'm investigating.