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The abnormal temperature variations by change fsurdata

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Hi,all. I changed the fsurdata of amazon area in the post. I run a control test using the default as F2000climo. the changed test using F2000climo,but I changed the fusrdata in amazon area.

For the changed test, I spinup 50 years. And I continue to run 50 years. For the control test, i just run 50 years simply, not change anything. I output the TSA average annual difference between The changed test - The control test. And I find the abnormal value and the Completely opposite patterns in the difference for the air 2m temperature(It's only a two-year difference. ). I guess the abnormal pattern maybe result in the spinup year(50 years is not enough?) or I notice that the F2000climo use CLM-SP model, I should use the BGC model due to I change the fusrdat. Any suggestion?
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