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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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Hi, I am running CESM 1.2.1 using the G_INTERANNUAL compset. Forcings are from the CORE II data set (1949-2009, 62 years per cycle). When I use the f09_g16 grid, the AMOC seems fine.
But when I repeat the above simulations using the f45g37 grid, AMOC seems to be pretty weak.
I guess the...
I found that there is no SWUP and DN10 data under this direction: /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/ocn/jra55/v1.3_noleap.
I'm wondering If I want to use POP2 for OGCM simulation experiments with JRA55 data for forcing, would it affect the results if I use SWUP and DN10 data under the original...
I intend to run G compset(only pop) for 100 years first, then turn on MARBL component from 101th year for the subsequent simulation, in order to shorten spin-up time.
So I try to do a branch run at 101th year.
First I run G compset(no MARBL) for 100 years to get restart files(CASE1)...
Hello, everyone. I cp $CCSMROOT/models/ocn/pop2/input_templates/gx1v7_tavg_contents to $CASE/SourceMods/src.pop/ and comment out unnecessary streams (only retain stream 1, which is h.). And I modified the tavg_nml in pop_in the $CASE/run/ to delete unnecessary output stream. Then I run...
Shown below are two MOC diagnostics which directly plot the Atlantic MOC streamfunction generated by POP2. The one on the left is a PI MOC while the one on the right is for a LGM-like simulation in which the Bering Strait and the Canadian Archipelago are closed and small coastline changes...
I want to run a G1850ECO_IAF case with changing CO2 values overtime. For this I changed OCN_CO2_TYPE = diagnostic, CCSM_BGC = CO2A and DATM_CO2_TSERIES = 20tr. It runs for at least 1 month but the output of ATM_CO2 is constantly 0. Did I miss an option or is CCSM_BGC set to the wrong value?
The intel 14 compiler causes a memory leak in the pop model in file diags_on_lat_aux_grid.F90The following change resolves the problem: --- diags_on_lat_aux_grid.F90(revision 64866)+++ diags_on_lat_aux_grid.F90(working copy)@@ -711,8 +711,11 @@ REGION_MASK_LAT_AUX(:,:,2) =...
Affected Releases CESM1.1.z and CESM1.2.z(Bugzilla 1861) There are some variables in the pop2 namelist that are set by build-namelist based on environment variables. For example, init_ts_option is usually 'ccsm_startup', 'ccsm_branch', 'ccsm_hybrid', or 'ccsm_continue' depending on the values of...
Affected Releases - CESM1.1.z and CESM1.2.z(Bugzilla 1877) Details included in the Bugzilla report.The check_input_data script does not grab POP's .hdr files (associated with
binary data files) from the inputdata repository, so data is not read correctly
on new machines until these files are...
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