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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. R

    The model did not stop properly after the initial run

    What version of the code are you using? CESM2.2.2 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? No Describe your problem or question: I am trying to run a slab ocean run with CLM5 (BGC-CROPS) using/modifying the compset ETEST as given below. ./create_newcase --case...
  2. H

    Looping over a single year using HIST compsets

    What version of the code are you using? I am using CESM 2.1.5 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? No Describe your problem or question: Hi everyone, I am trying to loop over a single year multiple times to get a spin-up run for an experiment. To do this I have been...
  3. K

    Fully-coupled simulation with 2000 climatology

    Dear all, I would like to do a fully-coupled simualtion with 2000 climatology with CESM2. I think I should use the BC5L45BGC, which like B_2000_CAM5_CN in CESM1? However, the supported level of BC5L45BGC is just 'defined', and BC5L45BGC does not have a Scientifically Supported Grids. If the...
  4. S

    F2000climo bug on Derecho

    Hello, I am having trouble building a new case on Derecho after successfully using the same method prior on Cheyenne: Command: qcmd -A UCUB##### -1 walltime=2:00:00 -- ./ Error (Have an image of the entire error but too large to attach): build-namelist failed rc=255 out = err=ERROR ...
  5. H

    Compset question

    Dear all, We are trying to replace the land cover/use (LCLU) map in the CLM in 1984 and 2014, respectively, using high-resolution/accuracy LCLU derived from remotely sensed data. Then we want to run two experiments: (1) a 30-year run with 1984 LCLU data and (2) a 30-year run with 2014 LCLU...
  6. Yi Yao

    Customized BSSP scenarios in CESM2.2.0 do not work

    Followed by the discussion here BSSP compset for CESM2.2.0, I modified the cime_config.xml files like this: After running the simulations, I checked the results. The model successfully implemented my development and read the land use change under scenarios. However, it seems that there is no...
  7. acgvar

    BSSP component sets and baseline states

    I hope that this thread can be useful for everyone. Let's say, I have run the following, ./create_newcase --case BSSP245cmip6 --res f09_g17 --compset BSSP245cmip6 in a ported machine (CESM 2.1.3) and I've tested that the simulation could complete successfully. I have a few questions...
  8. P

    case_run error,about issues mapping between components and grids

    Dear Helper, I want to run a case with 'f09_g16' grid and 'FMOZ' compest in CESM1.2.2, the default FMOZ suits with 1.9x2.5, so I modified the file '2000_cam4_trop_chem.xml' to match with f09_g16, but there is still a error about SST and ice coverage data, it shows "application called...
  9. L

    PTCLM for future simulations using time evolving CO2

    Hi all, I'm keen to connect with a user who has maybe performed something similar. I've got PTCLM running successfully at a field site for the last decade using meteorological forcing data and surface data from the site itself. The next step is to run the site into the future, in a similar...
  10. M

    Problems about compset for CMIP6 piControl and 1pctCO2

    Hello, I want to do experiments based on the CMIP6 piControl and 1pctCO2 compset. And I found the probably right out-of-the-box compset: Are the compsets above suitable for my scientific case ? Additionally, I found the following notes on the webpage...
  11. S


  12. P

    Using Wavewatch III with MOM6

    Is is possible to use Wavewatch III in conjunction with MOM6 within CESM? I've noticed that none of the existing compsets for MOM6 include Wavewatch. Thanks!
  13. M

    Ask about inputdata download

    Dear scientist, Now I have ported clm5.0 to my centos6. I just want to do a simply test in a city for several days or several months. First I use ./ -ne 32.0,116.5 -sw 29.0,112.0 -i myinfile -o myoutlist to obtain my regional surfacedatasets. Then...
  14. D

    CESM1.1.2_LENS: E1850LENS and F1850LENS

    Just a heads up that the E1850LENS and F1850LENS compsets do not run out of the box from the special Large-Ensemble (LENS) tag. The fix is easy however. The "CO2" fields need to be removed from CAM's fincl list as co2_cycle is .false. in these compsets and the fincl variables are not recognized...
  15. A

    CESM1.1.z - Running IAF compsets (CIAF, DIAF, GIAF) on non-NCAR machines.

    Affected Releases: CESM1.1.z The following instructions assume you will be starting from CESM1.1.zBefore you can set up and run your IAF case on a machine other than a NCAR machine, you will need to first download the forcing datasets onto your own disk location, then make modifications to the...
  16. A

    CESM1.1.z Incompatible initial conditions with BG1850CN at f09 resolution for both CLM and CISM.

    Affected Releases: CESM1.1.zBG1850CN at f09 resolution currently has initial conditions that are incompatible with the run configuration, for both CLM and CISM. Thus, this compset-resolution combination should only be used if you provide your own initial conditions for CLM and CISM.This is...
  17. A

    CESM1.1.z - Problems using compsets FSTRATMAM3 and FSTRATMAM7

    Affected releases: CESM1.1.z(Bugzilla 1645) Problem using compsets FSTRATMAM3 and FSTRATMAM7.The entry CICE_NAMELIST_OPTS in the env_run.xml file should have value cam5=.true. in cesm1_1, cesm1_1_1, and cesm1_2 beta01 through beta03. It does not. This results in an incorrect cice albedo setting...
  18. A

    CESM1.2.1 Spun-up initial conditions do not exist for new ecosystem module

    Affected Releases: CESM1.2.1(Bugzilla 1880)The POP ecosystem module used in CESM 1.2.z and later is significantly different from the module available in 1.1.z and earlier. At this time, spun-up initial conditions have not been generated so the following compsets need to be started from a...