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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. Q

    CAM case BW1850 build failed with CESM2.2.0

    24 use micro_mg_utils, only:ice_autoconversion, snow_self_aggregation, accrete_cloud_water_snow Fatal Error: Cannot open module file 'micro_mg_utils.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory.
  2. W

    CAM5 within CESM1.2.2 yields RELHUM as high as 140%

    Hi everyone, I am trying to run CAM5-CESM1.2.2 to compare with my previous CAM4 results regarding LGM climate. However, using the same topography file, surfdata, SST and sea ice condition while starting up a fresh run, the model blew up after around 3 yearswith the following error message. The...
  3. J

    Total Solar Irridiance Modification in CAM5

    Hello, I am trying to run a series of perturbed parameter experiments using CESM1.2.2 with a reduced solar constant. Using the B1850CN compset (with CAM4) I can modify the namelist parameter 'solar_const' in the user_nl_cam file with ease. However, when using the same compset with CAM5...
  4. F

    How to convert emissions (molecules/cm2/s) to mass emission (kg/m2/s)?

    Hello, I have the input data for B2000CAM5CN (e.g. The unit for OC emission is molecules/cm2/s. I want to compare the emissions from EDAGR (emission unit is [kg/m2/s]) and that from CESM input data. So, how can I convert [molecules/cm2/s] to [kg/m2/s]? I...
  5. S

    Try to modify the value of albedo to calculate radiative forcing

    Dear all, My research requires me to modify the value of land or soil albedo to calculate the change of radiative foring as a simulation. I use the user_defined compset while all the other components except cam5 are stub, as the PORT guide explains. Now...
  6. H

    CAM 5 File Path

    Hello, I have an issue with rad_diag_2 ,ncdata and &rad_cnst_nl; it is at a default file path and I am unable to change it to my file path because I do not have the data. I have copied my terminal screen: ncdata =...
  7. M

    Help with increasing vertical momentum diffusion?

    Dear All, I am interested in increasing the vertical eddy viscosity in CAM5.3 (using diag_TKE) to study Hadley cell dynamics. My goal is to introduce more viscosity, so as to weaken the subtropical jet. The best way I have found so far is through increasing the namelist variable...
  8. G

    running CAM5 in CESM2.1.3

    Dear all, I would like to use PORT to diagnose radiative forcing in CAM5. I have repeatedly tried to use PORT in the officially released CESM1.2.2 distribution, where lots of CAM5 compsets are available. Unfortunately, the PORT flag (-offline_drv rad) only works with CAM4 radiation (CAMRT) in...
  9. G

    Understanding how DMS works in CAM5

    Hi folks, I'm trying to do a set of simulations in CAM5, run in atmosphere-only mode (F_1850_CAM5 compset), that modifies the input emissions of DMS to reduce emissions in a specific region. I'm in search of information on the correct diagnostics for DMS and on how CAM5 handles DMS emissions so...